Mis saab edasi peale kursuse läbimist?

Pärast kursuse läbimist on paaridel oluline jätkata õpitu rakendamist, et hoida oma suhet tugeva ja tervena.

Here are some of the things we suggest to support continued investment in their relationship

Date Night Jar

Date night is about spending quality time together as a couple. This is especially challenging with busy lifestyles and children yet couples find it incredibly valuable for the long-term health of their relationship. 

Take a jar and fill with slips of paper with different ideas. Choose three colours of paper based on whether the activity is free, low cost or higher cost with planning required. Next time you’re stuck for ideas, pull a slip based on how much time you have and finances.

There are many activities you can plan together that don’t cost the earth: cooking a meal together, going for a long walk, sharing a bath or enjoying a game night with childhood boardgames. You can also plan ahead by booking a trip to the theatre or a night away at a bed and breakfast.  

Recommended Reading

Learn more about marriage and relationships with Nicky and Sila’s recommended reading:

The Marriage Book
Nicky & Sila Lee
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The Meaning of Marriage
Tim & Kathy Keller
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Hope For The Separated
Gary Chapman
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Seasons of Sex and Intimacy
Emma Waring
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Boundaries in Marriage
Dr Henry Cloud & Dr John Townsend
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Hold Me Tight
Dr Sue Johnson
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Professional Counselling

Sometimes couples require additional help. As a first step, we recommend you ask your course leader for a referral. They can often recommend someone suited to your needs and based near you. 

If you prefer more specific support, the organisations listed below can put you in touch with accredited counsellors. (Try to speak with the counsellor(s) in advance to make sure they hold similar values to you regarding marriage before booking a session.)

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